SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System review

sinus pulse elite nasal rinse and irrigation machine

Sinusitis covers all symptoms of nasal inflammation or irritation of the sinuses cavities such as blocked or runny nose (infected mucous), sinus pain, headaches, fatigue, feeling lethargic. The SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Irrigation system could provide a solution in more ways than one. It is approved by ear nose and throat specialists as it enables the sufferer to gently irrigate the sinuses in the comfort of their own home as and when nasal congestion symptoms occur, completely drug-free.

My history of nasal infections and irritation

I suffered a lot in the past from fairly frequent nasal infections and sinus irritation. I have narrow nasal cavities and I also developed hay fever at the age of 20 which added to the problem. I had tried a plethora of drugs, sprays, syrups and drops that really didn’t work for me.

I initially used this device after a septoplasty because it was recommended by my consultant surgeon to cleanse and prevent infection. I now continue to use it for routine irrigation which really helps my breathing. I can happily say that I don’t use anything else now to help me to breathe. Getting rid of the medicines has been a huge help, both physically and mentally, not to mention saving money on prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs.

A better form of sinus relief?

The SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System has been scientifically developed to be easy and comfortable to use, providing effective relief of the symptoms of sinusitis. It works by delivering measured amounts of a saline based solution into the sinus cavities to flush out thick, viscous, infected mucus and debris caused by allergens, bacteria, pollutants such as smoke, dust, pollen and perfumes. This improves the ability of the cilia (the microscopic hairs lining the mucous membrane which move the mucous and lubricate the linings) to work properly again thus providing relief from the discomforts associated with sinusitis.  It is, in our opinion, a technical marvel.

What does the SinuPulse come with?

The SinuPulse Elite Sinus Irrigation System is powered by mains electricity. It comes complete with everything you need including a measuring water tank, easy mix SinuAir sachets for the sinus rinse, a flow control system which enables the user to alter the flow rate,  flexible tip and mist spray tip attachments to vary solution delivery. The unique pulse control system delivers the solution at the rate for maximum benefit and comfort.

Additional items include throat and tongue cleaning tips for use with SinuSpray or Sinumist attachments. By using the throat irrigation system included, SinuPulse Elite can also be very effective in providing soothing relief for sore throats.

Benefits of the SinuPulse Elite nasal rinse system

Unlike other nasal congestion remedies, this system does not involve any drugs and therefore carries minimal risk of unwanted side effects. This is a huge benefit. Users of this device report:

  • rapid relief from nasal congestion, headaches, sinus pain
  • easier breathing
  • improved sleep
  • more energy
  • quicker recovery times from sinusitis and common colds.  

Regular use (one or two times per week) has been shown to reduce the likelihood of re-occurrence of sinusitis or other associated conditions.

For me, I am pretty much clear of nasal and sinus issues. Where this device also excels is during hay fever season, where I normally would be having a constant stream from my nose. A little ‘preventative maintenance’ ( irrigation twice a week) from the SinuPulse prevents any issues whatsoever.


The SinuPulse is not a cheap unit compared to a neti pot, but as an investment for years of proper breathing and sleep patterns it is unbeatable in what it does. It takes some getting used to at first, but once into a routine there is no substitute for its effortless performance.

Let me be clear,  this device won’t cure any nasal deformity or long-term condition, but it should ease symptoms in a professional, hi-tech and easy-to-use way.  It offers a drug-free method to combat improper breathing, stuffiness and general nasal congestion which I’d say is a brilliant investment. You’ll probably not have to buy another breathing product again.

Disclaimer: This is an honest review of the SinuPulse Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation system. Neither I nor this website have received any incentive from the manufacturer in exchange for this review. I am a user of the Sinus Pulse system so I’m able to comment on its effectiveness and price. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases read more

Breathe Right nose strips

Breathe Right strips offer a drug-free way to stop snoring at night. By opening the nasal cavities wider, more air is allowed to pass into the body.
A blocked nose makes you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose. This can lead to cause snoring which disturbs you and people around you.

A breakthrough and an ultra simple idea

Breathe Right’s nasal strips are very clever in that they open your nasal passages gently by using nothing more than a plastic spring band and plaster. The plaster is just sticky enough to hold onto your nose and gently pull it wider. They help you to breathe much better and can dramatically reduce the stuffiness of colds and allergies such as hay fever.

Check out our store for the best deals on nose strips

If you are searching for a more complete drug-free sinus unblocking system, take a look at the latest technology that’s fighting the battle against blocked noses:

SinuPulse Elite review

Sleep apnea diagnosis and remedies

Sleep Apnea diagnosis is particularly difficult, so to understand this ailment we really need to understand snoring better.  Snoring can be a real ‘nightmare’ for both the sleeper and the bed partner. It is single-handedly the commonest cause of poor sleep and is extremely common, particularly amongst men, people who are over 60, overweight or smokers. It can be a major problem in relationships so where this is a problem the partners should try to discuss the issue sensitively and without blame as ‘the snorer’ is unaware of doing it.

Snoring may however be a symptom of the potentially more serious condition, Sleep Apnea.  Snoring occurs when the soft tissue at the back of throat relaxes and restricts the airflow into the wind pipe and ultimately the lungs.  The vibration of this tissue results in the familiar snoring sound. Sleep Apnea  ocurs when this blockage is prolonged for up to 20 seconds.  The loss of oxygen in the blood is detected in the brain causing it to disturb the sleeper. The disturbed sleeper now may gasp or snort loudly as breathing is resumed. This erratic breathing rhythm can occur many times per night. Although the sleeper may not wake, the disturbance causes them to spend more time in a light sleep pattern and thus they are deprived of the deep restorative sleep needed to recover from the day and be energised for the day ahead.


Sleep Apnea diagnosis

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea can prove very difficult as not everyone who snores actually has Sleep Apnea. Also, monitoring is difficult because  the individual is asleep so unless their partner is able to record their sleep pattern, the type and volume of snores, sleeping position etc it will be difficult to monitor.

One of the clearest indicators is how the individual copes with the demands of the day. As normal snoring doesn’t interfere with the quality of your sleep as much as sleep apnea does, you’re less likely to suffer from extreme tiredness, difficulty in concentration and sleepiness during the day.  There are many tips and remedies for snoring and these should be fully explored before resorting to the ‘other room’ scenario. Here’s a few of the best tips and tricks.

  • Open up your nasal passages. Try to keep your nasal passages open at night using a nasal dilator, saline spray, breathing strips, or a neti pot. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, large meals and sedatives, especially for a couple of hours before bedtime
  • Use a jaw supporter
  • Use a homeopathic oral spray, there are a few well known brands that really work well
  • Try to establish a bedtime routine that triggers the brain to get ready for sleep
  • Get yourself one of the utterly brilliant buckwheat pillows
  • Try to reduce stress and anxiety levels by making a list of your tasks for the following day
  • Be kind to yourself and tell yourself what you have achieved during the day as this will give you a feeling of well-being
  • Use a nasal irrigation system such as the SinuPulse that I own and recently reviewed
  • Try to lose weight
  • Quit smoking if you can

There are also  many ways to exercise the throat muscles, toning them up and reducing the risk of snoring. These include, but aren’t limited to,  singing, gargling with water, blowing up a balloon each day (yes, this can actually help!) and trying to play a wind instrument. Sleep apnea and disturbed sleep remedies can be simple and can totally change your life.

Disclaimer, this is from my personal experience and therefore no qualified medical advice is implied. Initially, any sleep apnea diagnosis should be done with a qualified medical professional.

Using a Neti pot to clear nasal congestion

How to use a neti pot

So what is a Neti pot?  It’s a small container, usually plastic, that holds saline liquid (salty water) and is used to ‘flush out’ the nasal cavities. Many users report that it is the single best thing they have used to keep nasal congestion at bay. Many hay fever and sinusitis sufferers swear by their neti pots as an ‘on-demand’ solution.

Are neti pots powered by battery?

Neti pots are not powered, they simply rely on gravity to flow the water into one nostril and then back out through the other. Some netis have a small bulb that, when pressed, will add a bit of pressure to the ‘flushing’.

Can you mix your own saline?

Users generally mix up a saline solution to keep costs down. Our findings here are that 3 to 5 grams of salt is enough for half a litre of water.  You can add sodium bicarbonate up to about 2 grams per half litre of water. This is said to make the process more gentle on the sinuses, but in our experience this is not the case for most users, with great results from the simple saline mix.

Should I experience discomfort using a neti pot?

If you find it uncomfortable then experiment with the salt quantity and type. You need the salt to make it more comfortable, plain water hurts and it’s even more painful if it’s not warm first! With the prices of the neti pots being so cheap, it’s really worth purchasing one and is definitely another ‘tool in the armoury’ for a good night’s sleep.

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What is a good alternative to a neti pot or similar manual nasal rinses?

A long-term professional alternative would be to use a machine such as the excellent SinuPulse Elite reviewed here.

Buckwheat pillow review

As someone who likes a cool pillow I was intrigued by the popularity of buckwheat pillows in countries like Japan. I visited there a few times on business and stayed in medium quality hotels but was very impressed by the sleep I had. Nothing special about the bed it seemed but the pillow filling is definitely not the type that we get in my country.  My translator stated that it was “buckwheat” and that it was very popular over there.

So off I trundled to try and get a buckwheat pillow from the usual shops here. No chance! It seems that they are still a specialist niche here so I ordered one from an online retailer and it arrived in 2 days.

buckwheat pillow anti allergy hulls husks

2 months on and I have to say I am very impressed.  Here are my findings:

Is the pillow hypo-allergenic?

Yes it is. Buckwheat hulls (also known as husks) are an organic product and they are often encased in a natural, unbleached Calico case so it’s about as good as it gets for allergy sufferers.

Are the husks noisy or not?

I was initially concerned that the noise from the hulls rubbing together would stop me from sleeping, but in fact it is very gentle sound, you could even say ‘soothing’.  The pillow is firm yet adapts to the shape of your head and you bizarrely find yourself awakening in the same position you fell asleep in. A sure testimonial to a good night’s sleep! This also means that the pillow isn’t noisy in use so no issues there.

Does it provide neck support?

Definitely the best pillow I have had for the support of head and neck. With other pillows I tend to sleep with my hand next to my face to prevent rolling, with this one I don’t.

Is a buckwheat pillow cool in use?

I like a cool pillow. It’s certainly not as cool as a Chillow or any other gel pad specifically for that purpose, but it does seem to allow air to circulate well. Unlike gel pillows though it maintains temperature rather than starting off very cold and ending up warm.

It is filled with buckwheat ‘hulls’ that are all various shapes and it’s this that allows the air to pass freely. The pillow remains the same temperature which leads to a good night’s sleep.

Can I sleep on my back or side with this pillow?

Certainly. I find that it adapts to the weight of your head but, importantly, supports the neck muscles whether lying on your back or side.

Can it relieve migraines and headaches?

I’m not a doctor! I imagine that any stress related headache would be eased by correct support while sleeping but it would be unfair to say this pillow is a ‘magic bullet’.

How do I setup this buckwheat pillow?

No real setup or maintenance involved. Add your standard pillowcase and shake so the hulls are evenly distributed. Job done!

Can buckwheat pillows reduce snoring?

Most definitely. My partner now has a buckwheat pillow and there have been some reduced decibels in our bedroom at night! The better support the pillow offers, coupled with the fact it maintains temperature effectively, means that it is as good as any of the anti-snore pillows we have tried in the past.

Is the cover washable?

Yes, it has a zip for removing the hulls and it is then machine washable at 40 degrees Centigrade. We wash all of our bedding at 60 degrees and it has not been an issue for this Calico case at all.


A great purchase at a price that’s not much more than a standard pillow. Trying to put a price on a good night’s sleep is difficult, we have tried so many sleep aids but this remains hands down the best ‘bang for your buck’ that we have purchased. Buy one, put a pillowcase on it and get your best night’s sleep ever!



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